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Spartan Artists Awarded Gold & Silver Keys in Scholastic Competition

Spartan Artists Awarded Gold & Silver Keys in Scholastic Competition

This year's Scholastic Art Award winners were announced in early January, and Spartan artists had eight pieces awarded with prestigious Gold or Silver Keys.

BHS senior, Gina Misel received 3 of those awards: one Silver Key and two Gold Keys. Her piece entitled As the Stars Align also was nominated for an American Vision Award, one of only 5 Gold Key artworks chosen from our region to compete for an American Vision Medal.  

Also awarded Gold Keys were BHS sophomore Liza Letanova, and BHS freshman Darah Khieu. All Gold Keys go on to compete nationally this spring.

Silver Key winners include BHS seniors Kaylee Dennis, Gina Misel, and Nora Kurth, and freshman Taylor Bieber. 

There were a total of 54 Boardman submissions to the regional scholastic competition, and you can see all these pieces in person as they are on display at YSU's Bliss Hall from January 8th until January 26th.

Click to see all Boardman Gold & Silver Key Awards and Honorable Mentions